Ultrasound for Women’s Health Providers Online Courses

Our Online Courses:

A Comprehensive View of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Online Course

A Comprehensive View of Point-of-Care Ultrasound Online Course -$499

This online course is worth 10 ACNM credits.

This education activity will be submitted to the American Association of Nurse Practitioners (AANP) for approval.

In today’s fast-paced world, women’s health providers are constantly seeking ways to enhance their skills and knowledge, particularly in the use of ultrasound technology. Recognizing this need, the Ultrasound for Women’s Health Providers Comprehensive View of Point-of-Care Online Ultrasound Course has emerged as a vital resource for those looking to master full-scope obstetric ultrasound. This course is specifically tailored for women’s health providers who aim to integrate ultrasound into their clinical practice effectively, from understanding when to utilize this technology to interpreting ultrasound reports and making informed management decisions.

Ultrasound has become an indispensable tool in women’s health, offering real-time insights into the health and development of the fetus throughout pregnancy. The course starts off by addressing the basics: the scope of practice for women’s health providers related to Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) including current guidelines for practice and potential for certification.

What Does the Curriculum Look Like?

Designed with your professional growth in mind, this course encompasses a wide array of essential topics, including:

  • Point-of-Care Ultrasound (POCUS) and Scope of Practice

  • Cross Sectional Anatomy, Basic Physics of Diagnostic Ultrasound, and Bioeffects

  • Gynecologic POCUS Exams

  • First Trimester POCUS Exams

  • Second and Third Trimester POCUS Exams

  • The Biophysical Profile

  • Documentation and Liability

By the End of the Course, Participants Should be Able to:

  • Understand the scope of practice for Point of Care Ultrasound.

  • Learn about the role as an ultrasound scanner and how to integrate ultrasound information into the management of cases.

  • Understand how ultrasound works, including the role of physics in scanning and creating quality images.

  • Describe and apply the bioeffects of ultrasound to clinical settings.

  • Be able to interpret basic scanning images confidently.

  • Understand the physiology behind and learn how to interpret the Biophysical Profile.

  • Learn the importance of documentation and the potential risks for liability in ultrasound scanning.

Considering joining a future hands-on scanning event? There’s no need to hold off on purchasing our A Comprehensive View of Point-of-Care Ultrasound online course now. If you buy the online course and later decide to attend an in-person event, the cost of the online course will be reimbursed when you purchase your hands-on scanning ticket. Starting the online course now gives you ample time to thoroughly learn the material before experiencing it hands-on. This offer ensures you get both great value and a comprehensive learning experience.

Women’s Health Provider Student Online Ultrasound Course

Women’s Health Provider Student Online Ultrasound Course -$150

This course has been designed for the student who is learning when to use ultrasound in their clinical practice, how to interpret an ultrasound report, and how to make management decisions based on ultrasound results. Scope of practice for women’s health providers is discussed related to Point of Care, limited ultrasound. We cover first trimester gestational age assessment and identification of a failed pregnancy. In the second trimester, the student learns the anatomy to use for gestational age assessment, how to measure amniotic fluid volume, the implications of transvaginal cervical length screening and how to evaluate fetal weight. In the third trimester, the focus is on the Biophysical Profile (BPP); how to do the scan, indications for the BPP, and how to manage the pregnancy based on the BPP score.

What Does the Student Curriculum Look Like?

Designed with your growth in mind, this course encompasses a wide array of essential topics, including:

  • Point of Care Ultrasound (POCUS) Scope of Practice 

  • Cross Sectional Anatomy

  • Gynecologic POCUS

  • First Trimester POCUS

  • Second & Third Trimester POCUS

  • Biophysical Profile